
Hello Southfield !

We hope you are having a great holiday season.

A new year is coming and you know what that means… Its resolution time.

The way this works is just like the old show of Biggest Loser. The challenge is based on the percent of weight lost and not the actual pounds lost. This gives everyone an even playing field so that heavier individuals don’t have an advantage. You will need to register below to be included in the challenge. If you would like to remain anonymous you can add a nick name to your registration. Participants will get officially weighed in on the first week and the last week of the challenge. Pleas see Rivera, Hendricks or Don to get weighed in. The challenge will last for 16 weeks from the first week in January till the week of April 21st -April 27th. After the first official weigh in, you will do the bulk of your submissions on the honor system. You will need to weigh yourself bi-weekly on the digital scale located in the police workout room. This must be done on the same day of the week as your official first weigh in. Take a photo of the the scale with the yourself and the numbers showing. (see below). Then you can submit your weight by sending me the photo either by text or by clicking HERE. I will calculate the weights and determine the person who lost the most percentage of weight for that period. Bi-weekly winners will receive $5 at the end of the challenge.